AAD-SL witnessed a day workshop facilitated by the Ministry of Local Government and Community Affairs
News Briefing!
Today 28th February, 2024.
AAD-SL as represented by the Karene District Coordinator (John J) on the invitation of the Karene District Council witnessed a day workshop facilitated by the _Ministry of Local Government and Community Affairs, Decentralization Secretariat and GAT members_ on ” The Guidelines Dissemination Tool To Local Councils (version 4)
The Sierra Leone Decentralization programme was recommended by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) report which states that power should be brought back to the doorstep of people in the community.
Given the above, the guidelines indicated the roles differential of different stakeholders:
1- Roles of MLGCA,
2- Roles of Decentralization Secretariat,
3- Roles of the Ministry of Planning and Economic Development (MoPED),
4- Roles of the Ministry of Finance,
5- Roles of Local Councils,
6- Roles of Devolved Sectors,
7- District Officers/ Senior District Officers,
8- Roles of Traditional and Local Authorities,
9- Roles of Civil Society Organisations and Development Partners,
10- Roles of Ward Committed,
11- Roles of Village Development Committees,
12- Roles of Community User Group.
The guidelines also include the ” Workflow of Local Councils’ Development Project”
Step 0- Formulation of LCDP
Step 1- Formulation of AWP
Step 2- Planning for Project Selection
Step 3- Planning for Project Implementation
Step 4- Project Implementation
Step 5- Operation and Maintenance and Evaluation
Conclusion: The guidelines provide opportunities for synergy between sectors and effective coordination across the broader spectrum.